Assignments and Information for Feb 5-11, 2001 In
class we looked at closeup photography in detail, and did a closeup photography exercise. If you missed this session, be sure and read the detailed article on Closeup Photography at this site. This is all in preparation
for our field trip Saturday morning to Frederik Meijer Gardens
in Grand Rapids. Come to the front entrance at or shortly after 9 AM, tell them you are with the photography class, and pay your admission fee of $4. FIELD TRIP POSTPONED UNTIL FEB 17! Directions: go north on US 131 to downtown Grand Rapids. Go east on I-196.
Go north on East Beltline to just north of Bradford. Turn right into the entrance. We will have lots of opportunities to do closeups of flowers, including an extensive orchid collection.
We may also have an opprotunity to photograph rare birds. Class as usual next Monday. We will explore flash photography. Bring camera, lens, film and flash (if you have one) to class. |