PHOTOGRAPHERS Ansel Adams b&w landscape Tony Arruza commercial, nature
Niall Benvie nature, digital Jim Brandenburg nature, stock
Roger N. Clark nature Kathleen Norris Cook landscape
Jane Davenport nature, insects
Lisl Dennis travel John Fielder landscape Tim Fitzharris nature John and Barb Gerlach nature
Sharad Haksar commercial
Dewitt Jones landscape, commercial
James Kay outdoors
Norman Koren nature
Frans Lanting nature
George Lepp nature Quang-Tuan Luong nature and travel
Tom Mangelsen
nature Gary & Joanie McGuffin
nature Arthur Morris
birds Edmund Nagele
commercial Chris Noble
sport, advanture Freeman Patterson
nature art Moose Peterson
nature Rod Planck
nature Michael Reichmann
Seth Resnick commercial Jim Riegel whimsical nudes Galen Rowell wilderness Leonard Lee Rue wildlife Rick Sammon travel
John Sexton
b&w landscape, places John Shaw nature George Stocking landscape Tony Sweet nature, location Neil Turner
reporting, digital
Peter Van Rhijn nature
Kennan Ward nature
Westmorland commercial, stock Nevada Wier travel Arnell Williams nature Art Wolfe nature Norbert Wu underwater |
MAGAZINES British Journal of Photography
National Geographic Outdoor Photographer PC Photo Popular Photography Shutterbug Vivid Light Photography |
LENS TESTS Photodo.com |
FALL COLOR REPORTS Fall Color Reports And Tours |
WILDFLOWER REPORTS Boundary Waters Canoe Area
California Wildflowers Crested Butte Colorado Festival
SW Desert Wildflower Watch Western U.S. Flowers Scroll down the page for a calendar and list of places that are usually the best for finding wildflowers (and wildlife). |
Point Pelee National Park 35 miles southwest of Detroit, MI and
Windsor, ONT - one of the top 5 birding sites in North America |
Web Cams
A page of links to scenic web cams from across the U.S. |
In Memoriam: Galen and Barbara Rowell |
Mountain Lion Country |
 B&H Photo
Calumet KEH Ken-Mar Camera Kx Camera Midwest Photo Exchange Norman Camera |
You can help support this site by clicking on the links to Adorama and
when shopping for camera equipment. Find books and a lot more at Amazon. For more information on my link to Amazon.com go here.Adorama is one of the best, biggest, and most reliable photo equipment stores on the internet.
Amazon.com's photo and camera store is new. Their prices are competitive and they have a good online reputation. Adorama, Amazon.com, B&H, and Calumet, are online sources of new equipment. For used
equipment go to KEH, Ken-Mar, and Midwest Photo Exchange. Kx has used slide projectors and dissolve units. Norman Camera was my local camera store when I lived near Kalamazoo, Michigan.
I send most of my slide film to A&I to be processed. |
DIGITAL LABS ImageXperts Replicolor |
PRINTS FROM SLIDES The best place I have found to make prints from slides is:
The Slideprinter 145 West Alameda Denver, CO 80223 Their web site is new and still under construction. |
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT INFO Digital Camera Resource Page Digital Photography Review Imaging Resource
Megapixel.net Steve's Digicams DCViews Go to Digital Photography Review and Megapixel.net first. Then check the other
sites. |
ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHY Photography Resources a directory of photography related websites and discussion groups. PHOTO ORGANIZATIONS
North American Nature
Photography Association (NANPA) |
KIA Kalamazoo Institute of Arts
Jim Riegel
Jim is head of the photo department at the KIA. He taught me black and white photography. He does nude photography that is - - well - -
different! |
More Links Another page of links to photo education sites, computer information, internet security, and more |