Assignments and Information for Jan 29-Feb 4, 2001
We talked about color slide, color negative, black and white, and chromogenic black and white films. If you missed class, be sure and read through the articles on film in the TIPS section of this site. We did the depth of field exercise. If you were not at class, do the exercise below.We introduced closeup photography we will explore it further next week. We will do
some closeup photography in class. DEPTH OF FIELD EXERCISE Line up 6 or 7
objects in a row, with about 2 feet of space between each object. Put your camera about 2 feet from the last object and a little out of line with the rest of the objects (see the diagram below).
Put a 28 or 24mm wide angle lens on the camera. Focus on the second object from the camera position. Take one photo at a wide aperture like f/2.8 or f/4.
Then take a second photo at a small aperture like f/16 or f/22.Change to a medium like focal length lens like 70 or 80mm. Repeat the exercise by taking one photo at a wide aperture and one photo at a small
aperture. You will need to change shutter speeds as you change apertures to keep the same exposure. When you get your slides back, compare the results.
Diagram of the exercise set up: C
C=camera postion X=objects F=object that you focus on |