June 26, 2001 We began class by continuing our look at controlling Depth of Field
. We looked at how to use the depth of field scale on a single focal length lens. We also looked at slides that illustrate the use of depth of field. Next week we will look at how to use a depth of field chart when using zoom lenses.
We went outside and did a depth of field assignment
in the park. The first part of the assignment was to pick a row of objects like flowers or bricks, focus on an object about 4 feet away from the camera and take pictures at f/4, f/8 and f/16 with a 28mm or 24mm wide angle lens. The we repeated this exercise using a longer lens like 70 or 80mm. The second part of the assignment was to take two photos utilizing maximum depth of field and minimum depth of field.
We came back inside and looked at how to use a Black Cat Exposure Guide when it is too dark for the camera meter to work. We discussed the "Sunny f/16 Rule", which is also called the "FIG Rule" or "Basic Daylight Exposure" (BDE). This is a way of determining
exposure in full sunlight without using a light meter. Details on this are in the Exposure article. We looked at how to read a Pop Photo magazine lens
test and explored how to select lenses to get the most quality for the dollars spent.
We reviewed class slides to conclude our session.We will have a field trip this Saturday evening,
June 30, from 6 PM to 8 PM
(this is a time change) at West Lake Nature Preserve
. We will meet in the parking lot at 6 PM and walk out to the bog. If you are late, follow the trail through the woods and out into the bog to find us. The Rose Pogonia Orchids are starting to bloom.
There are also rare Pitcher Plant blooms, ferns and lots of Sundew. Directions: From the
intersection of Westnedge and Center Road (in Portage), go 1.1 miles south on Westnedge to Southshore Drive. Turn left on Southshore and turn into the West Lake Nature Preserve parking lot on your left.The major
topic of the evening next week (July 3) will be Closeup Photography. We will take pictures in class. |