November 5, 2001 We began class by looking at a multi-projector, stereo- sound slide show on 3
seasons in Colorado. The show was actually photographed in less than one week in Rocky Mountain National Park, the Indian Peaks Wilderness, and the Wet Mountain Valley. We went back and looked at some of the
individual slides and talked about the techniques, lenses, and filters involved. We did the same with a multi-projector slide show on Alaska. Some of the photos in the slide show are on the Alaska section elsewhere at this web site.After the break we looked at
student work. Then we watched half of Galen's Rowell's MOUNTAIN LIGHT videotape. ASSIGNMENT Continue to take advantage of what fall color we still have left. Remember to shoot graphic subjects and colorful skys for
combining in slide sandwiches. Try shooting a night scene by moonlight or try painting at light at night. |