Monday, September 17, 2001 TRIPODS
We began the evening by looking at tripod features and some specific tripod recommendations. If you want to get really low to the ground, check out the Bogen Super Clamp. FILM We looked at my film
recommendations for class (and we looked at some slide film comparisons). In order they are:1. Kodak Elite Chrome Extra Color 100 (closest professional version is Kodak E100VS). This is often
available on sale at Norman Camera in two packs. 2. Kodak Elite Chrome 100 (closest pro version is Kodak E100SW). 3. Fuji Sensia II 100 (closest pro version is Fuji Provia 100F). FILTERS We took a quick look at filters
for fall color photography with an emphasis on the Tiffen Enhancing Filter and the Hoya Intensifier. We also looked at polariazing filters. We looked at some before and after examples with slides.
EXPOSURE They major topic for the evening was
Exposure. We talked about how to compensate for subject tonality and looked at some examples. Subject Tonality
Very light + 2 stops
Light + 1
MEdium toned 0
Dark - 1/2
Very dark - 1
ASSIGNMENT Buy 100 speed slide film and a Kodak 18% Gray Card. Take photos a a very light
toned subject, a medium toned subject, and a very dark toned subject. Take one picture of each subject by putting your camera on manual and metering the subject. Take a second picture of each subject by
metering a gray card in the same light as the subject. If the two meter readings are 2 or more stops apart, take a third photo with an exposure half way in between.
Photograph some other colorful subjects and compensate for subject tonality. For next week's class (Sep 24), bring a camera, lenses, 100 speed slide film, and a
tripod if you own one. We will spend the last half of class outside, weather permitting. |